Maniac Mansion is a very interesting game for someone like me, as I'm much more used to the fast-paced gameplay that comes with 2022 gaming. For me, the game started out a bit slower than I would have at first thought, but to be fair this game did come out in 1987 so it's not something that bothers me. The overall story of the game is good, although I didn't get to find out much about it since I kinda struggled with understanding the tasks. For me, I found that there was almost a bit of a learning curve since it wasn't really clear (to me at least) what you could actually do. Plus whenever you did learn what you had to accomplish there would be, 4 or five steps to it. You find the object, you walk to the object, you examine the object, and you decide whether to keep it or not. I got tedious very fast. Overall, with how the story plays out, the characters that are introduced and the level of exploration that is available to you at the start of the game, I can safely rate...